The Logosophical Educational System is formed by the various Logosophical Schools in the world, whose actions are supported on two pillars: the teaching of curricular content (the curriculum defined by the laws of each country or city) and the pedagogical work that prepares the student for life with the support of the logosophical conception. This new and unique pedagogical branch has attracted the attention of the educational environment for the originality of its principles and the results achieved in routing the mental, moral and spiritual formation of children and adolescents.
An atmosphere of affection and respect is found in the Logosophical Schools, seeking the cultivation of values that are essential to the lives of their students, in close integration with the families. The Logosophical Education System currently has several units in Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay.
To offer to childhood and youth, through the Logosophical Pedagogy, a support and knowledge that promote the full development of their physical, mental, moral and spiritual aptitudes, creating the foundation for a new humanity, more conscious of their responsibility for their own life, the society they live in and the world.
Logosophical Pedagogy
The Logosophical Pedagogy, which is based on Logosophy, aims at the bio-psycho-spiritual formation of the student, promoting the natural development of his conscious life. Based on the psychodynamic method made known by Logosophy, it offers the fulfillment of the two goals of human existence: to consciously evolve and to establish each self as a server of humanity.
The logosophical method in the educational action
These are some of the key aspects of the logosophical method in the educational action: The accomplishment by the educator of the process of conscious evolution established by Logosophy, becoming thus an example of what they teach. The sensitive link between the teacher and the student through the cultivation of affection, the stabilizing principle of human relations. The formation of an environment where moral and ethical qualities are cultivated, such as respect, joy, discipline, tolerance, sincere help, encouragement and freedom to learn, the desire to be better and the constant practice of good. The provision of natural and positive stimuli, which are essential to the formation of character. The joint and integrated action of home and school as the main educational institutions.
P To learn more, visit one of the sites of the Logosophical Educational System.
- Argentina
colegiologosofico.edu.ar - Brasil
colegiologosofico.com.br - Uruguay